Thursday, February 4, 2010

Whats The Best22tv Dvd Christians Whats The Best Way To Grow In The Lord?

Christians whats the best way to grow in the Lord? - whats the best22tv dvd

I read the Bible and pray What shall I do?


Shai Hulud said...


Karl P said...

Do It All Again today! (Get out and help others.)

patheher said...

For more information about him. Go to church or talk with other Christians.

Worship alone and in groups is very good also.

Mulligan said...

The way the hippies of view, one can not say, the boys and girls! I saw a girl yesterday that she was pregnant. Showin belly was a whole ', and you know what she had painted on it? " Love Child!

rainlily said...

In practice what you learn, and the spread of the Gospel.

Scottie Pippin said...

Stop time.

Redpill said...

Give your life to Jesus and the loop because it is in a breakneck chase!

Chase said...

Tell others about Jesus, serves in his church, the best, like Jesus, prayer, live reading of the Bible.

hasse_jo... said...

Be obedient. This includes the assumption that YHWH is not accepted, and not what he says, well, and calling the exact name of YHWH and Yahushua.

Esther said...

Are you studying in the Bible? I was in a group Bible study for more than a dozen years. We study a book of the Bible, every semester we have a lesson a week at home talk, go back and talk in a small group. This type of study, and communion, my life again and again.

In addition, listening to the music of praise and worship? One thing I got it on my treadmill for an hour and praise God. This is not only good exercise is very sweet to talk to him carefully. "God does the praise of his people."

Seventh Day Adventist said...

"I read the Bible and pray What shall I do?"

Your on the right track with prayer and study of His Word!

Some other things to do ....

Witness to third. (Matthew 28:19-20)

And repent, and turn away from sin. ~ Proverbs 28:13

Jesus also said ...

If you love me, keep my commandments. I will ask the Father, will you another Counselor, he can be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world can not receive, because neither he nor white, but you know, see, for he dwells with you and will be in you. John 14:15-17

More ...
God through his right hand as Leader and Savior to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. And we are witnesses of these things, and when the Holy Spirit, has the God given to those who obey him. "~ Acts 5:31-32

Based on these earlier writings, the Holy Spirit in the majority of those who gave their lives, the devotion to Christ and His commandments. This wouldThe prices are the Ten Commandments. Almost everyone can agree that no one can take claim to follow Christ, whether it be murder, adultery, etc. But it is a command that many miss, is written in Exodus 20 ...

And God spoke all these words, saying ...
Remember the Sabbath day. Six days you shall labor and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God. In it thou shalt do no work: you, nor your son or your daughter, your manservant, your maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates. For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. ~ Exodus 20:1, 8-11

When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, begin to observe the biblical Sabbath. How does God teaches us to keep? A site that in the Bible, what we set out to do ...

Blessed are those who wash their clothes orMay they have a right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. ~ Apocalypse 22.14

The Lord bless you as you seek His will!

soldier said...

another person in God grow with you. (Two are better than one, because if one falls the other, it is to pick him up.)

soldier said...

another person in God grow with you. (Two are better than one, because if one falls the other, it is to pick him up.)

Mulligan said...

The way the hippies of view, one can not say, the boys and girls! I saw a girl yesterday that she was pregnant. Showin belly was a whole ', and you know what she had painted on it? " Love Child!

Shai Hulud said...


rainlily said...

In practice what you learn, and the spread of the Gospel.

GOD RULES.. said...

.. Honor to whom honor is due only to pray for those who do not have any, because to do this problem ...

Scottie Pippin said...

Stop time.

Karl P said...

Do It All Again today! (Get out and help others.)

Redpill said...

Give your life to Jesus and the loop because it is in a breakneck chase!

Redpill said...

Give your life to Jesus and the loop because it is in a breakneck chase!

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